Friday, April 19, 2013

Letters from the Front - Nathan Hayward

Sunday, April 19, 1863

In a letter to his father Doctor Nathan Hayward expressed the belief that the Army of the Potomac would be on the move again within a few days and that eight days rations were kept on hand in necessity of a quick movement. He relayed that they currently held a strong position along the Rappahannock River but was unsure if they would hold that position in favor of another. He mentioned that they may advance on Richmond by way of the Pamunkey River. He ended with high praise for General McClellan, whose popularity with the Army of the Potomac was still very strong. 1

1Nathan Hayward, "Letters," Association of Officers of the Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment, Reports, Letters and Papers Appertaining to Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, vol. 1, p. 418-421, Twentieth Massachusetts Special Collection, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts.

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