Sunday, December 25, 2011

Journey of the Captives - Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25, 1861

In Ligon Prison Adjutant Charles Peirson celebrated Christmas with a turkey dinner. The turkey was a gift from a friend of Captain John Markoe of the Seventy First Pennsylvania Regiment, who was captured at Ball's Bluff and imprisoned with Peirson. Although Peirson found the turkey a pleasant change from the usual beef, he was suffering from an intestinal complaint and could not fully enjoy the meal. Peirson heard that Colonel Lee and the hostages had received a generous Christmas meal and that Congressman Alfred Ely had been released early that morning.1

1Charles Lawrence Peirson, "Memorandum of the Battle of Leesburg," Association of Officers of the Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment, Reports, Letters and Papers Appertaining to Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, vol. 1, p. 126, Twentieth Massachusetts Special Collection, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts.

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