Monday, October 24, 2011

Aftermath of Ball's Bluff - Regiment Restructuring

Thursday, October 24, 1861
W.F. Milton, Acting Adjutant, issued General Order number 69 from Camp Benton to address the vacancies in the shattered command of the Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment:
The following arrangements of this command will be observed until further orders.

Capt. Bartlett, Co. I, is detailed for duty as acting Lieutenant Colonel.

Capt. Crowninshield, Co. D., is detailed for duty as acting Major.

Lieut. Milton, Co. G, is detailed for duty as Adjutant. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. The non-commissioned officers and privates of Company G ready for duty are assigned to Capt. Tremlett of Company A, who ranks as senior Captain. The 1st Sergt. of Co. G, will report to Lieut. Hallowell, commanding Co. H, as 1st Sergt.

Capt Shepard of Co. K takes rank as 2nd Captain.

The non-commissioned officers and privates of Co. E are assigned to Lieut. Macy, Co. I, who ranks as 3rd Captain.

The non-commissioned officers and privates of Co. D are assigned to Lieut. Hallowell, Co. H., who ranks as 4th Captain. Sergt. Burrill of Co. H will act as 1st Lieut.

Lieut. Cabot of Co. F ranks as 5th Captain, assisted by Lieut. Sturgis of Co. H as 1st Lieut.

Lieut. Le Barnes of Co. B takes command of that Company and ranks as 6th Captain.

It is to be understood that the above arrangement is adopted for the present emergency; it is subject to revision at any moment and is expected to continue only till new officers can be commissioned and arrangements made for filling up the regiment. Where men are assigned in accordance with these orders, they will continue to occupy their quarters under charge of their ranking Sergeants, reporting to their commanding officers for duty.1

1George A. Bruce, The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1861 - 1865 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press, 1906), 70-71.

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